AID FOR AIDS Panama is a satellite office of AID FOR AIDS International. It has been present in the country since 2006.

Since our arrival in Panama, AID FOR AIDS has been providing services in Clayton. In 2007, AFA Panama opened the first Comprehensive Care Center for Children and Adolescents with HIV or AIDS in Latin America at Children’s Hospital.

Since then, each program we implement is focused on 1) reducing the pandemic through empowerment and the development of skills and abilities, and 2) improving the quality of life of the groups most vulnerable to HIV and other health situations.

In 2014, AID FOR AIDS Panama became the first NGO with presence within the Guna Yala Comarca. This allowed us to open the first Integral Education and Training Center and implement our “How Much Do You Know?” Program on the Island of Achutupu.

In November 2017, AFA Panama inaugurated the Comprehensive Education and Training Center and started implementing our “How Much Do You Know?” Program in Clayton, where the beneficiaries and the community in general have an empowerment space where they can development and acquire life skills that generate individual and social transformation.

Programs in our AID FOR AIDS Panama office

Access to treatment program

It facilitates access to ARV treatments at no cost to people with HIV who resist the treatment scheme offered by the Ministry of Health and the Social Security Fund. We offer them new treatment alternatives in agreement with the treating doctor in order to guarantee monitoring.

During times of shortages in these institutions, AID FOR AIDS gives these health agencies additional donations of ARVs that guarantee the continuity of treatment to people who require it.


“How Much Do You Know?” program
Our “How Much Do You Know?” program offers clear, correct, and current information to young people, health professionals, people with HIV and their family members and to the general public.

At the same time, it incorporates information on life skills—as determined by the World Health Organization—and promotes the eradication of stigma and discrimination towards people with HIV. All of this is accomplished using neurolinguistic programming techniques. Through incorporating knowledge and skills in their daily lives, people become empowered with basic education in order to achieve a better quality of life and to appreciate the importance of leading healthy lifestyles.


Comprehensive attention program for children and adolescents with HIV or AIDS
The objective of this one-of-a-kind program in Panama is to offer guidance and emotional, social, and psycho-pedagogical support to children and adolescents with HIV and their family members.

The program also offers tools to empower children and adolescents regarding their lives and their health from an early age, to strengthen their adherence to medical treatment, and to reinforce their academic activities. All of this carried out by the comprehensive attention center for children and adolescents with HIV or AIDS, located inside of the Children’s Hospital since 2007.


Access to treatment program (2006-2017)

  • 83 beneficiaries receive free ARV treatment in a monthly basis from our arrival in Panama


“How Much Do You Know?” program (2006-2017)

  • 1,154 community leaders
  • 405 young peer-to-peer agents
  • 105,390 people have received education and training regarding life and development skills
  • In the provinces of Panama, Chorrera, Colón, Chiriquí and the Guna Yala Comarca: 176 3-year-old children receiving pedagogical support in the Comarca Guna Yala (Achutupu)


Comprehensive attention program for children, adolescents and adults with HIV (2006-2017)

  • 7,500 adults with HIV have received education and training regarding adherence to treatment and human rights
  • 322 children and adolescents with HIV receiving psychological, psycho-pedagogical and food support. Coming from all the provinces and regions of Panama

Contact information

Administrative office
Address: Clayton, Calle Maritza Alabarca, Casa 1000A. Ciudad de Panamá.
Phone number: +507 317-1583
Fax: +507 317-1361
Email: [email protected]

Comprehensive center for education and training – “How Much Do You Know?” program
Address: Clayton, Calle Maritza Alabarca, Edificio 1000B. Ciudad de Panamá
Address: Comarca Guna Yala, Isla de Achutupu. Corregimiento de Aligandi
Phone number: +507 317-1583 / +507 317-1361

Comprehensive attention center for children and adolescents with HIV or AIDS
Address: Hospital del Niño, Calle 34, Avenida Balboa, edificio de la  Consulta Externa,  Piso 1. Ciudad de Panamá.
Phone number: +507 512-9834
/ +507 390-3299


Board of directors

Director/Legal Representative: Trina María Aguais
Executive Director/Treasurer: Clara Aguerrevere de Salvatierra
Director/Vocal: María del Carmen Zuñiga Ureña
Director/Vocal: Lastenia Cardoze de Arosemena
Vocal: Edda María Gonzalez Galvez


Our staff

Trina María Aguais
Country Director
[email protected]

Roalmar Alviárez
Access to Treatment Coordinator
[email protected]

Mario Alexander Cruz
Project Coordinator
[email protected]

Eduardo Cáceres
Coordinator of Program for Children & Adolescents with HIV
[email protected]


Social network


Our allies

  • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social
  • Fundación Sus Buenos Vecinos
  • Alcaldía de Panamá
  • Lotería Nacional de Beneficencia
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Price Philantropies Foundation
  • Óptica Sosa y Arango
  • Fundación Juan Ramon Poll
  • USMA – Oficina de Servicio Social Universitario
  • Periódico San Francisco
  • Aventura 2000
  • Air Panamá
  • Motores Japonese
  • Oferta Simples
  • Fundación Banco Alimentos Panamá
  • Fundación Lionel y Anita Stempel
  • ADN Creativo
  • Sra. Linky Motta
  • Sra. Clara Salvatierra
  • Sr. Augusto Arosemena y Sra. Doris De Arosemena

To make a donation in Panama

Account Number: 03-02-01-055991-7
Account Type: corriente
Bank: Banco General
Make payments to: AID FOR AIDS Panamá