Brief overview of our history

AID FOR LIFE France was registered in 2020 as a 1901 law non-profit association, to respond to the complex humanitarian emergency in Venezuela and the resulting migration crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a special emphasis on women and children, as well as the Caminantes who travel thousands of miles across the region.


Mission: We are committed to generating social impact to enhance the lives of people at risk of social vulnerability in developing countries, by implementing programs that increase their capacities, abilities and provide access to essential survival products, strengthening the health of communities.


Vision: Achieving healthy societies by improving their wellbeing, quality of life and the respect for fundamental human rights.

Programs of AID FOR LIFE France

Healing:  The Healing program responds to the severe and high levels of food insecurity and infant malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is exacerbated by the complex humanitarian emergency in Venezuela and the resulting migration crisis in the region. Through this program, we distribute infant formula to babies aged 0 to 12 months who can’t or shouldn’t be breastfed due to their mothers’ underlying health conditions, as well as orphaned and abandoned children. We also provide nutritional supplements to children and adolescents aged 1 to 17 who have or are at risk of malnutrition. Thanks to our close cooperation with nutritionists, pediatricians and health centers, we support the proper and healthy development of children in Latin America.


Chronic Disease Response Program: This program aims to provide a solution to the severe medication shortages that affect millions of people in Latin America. Although it began as an AID FOR AIDS initiative to provide ARV medication to people with HIV, AID FOR LIFE has expanded its mission to cover other health conditions beyond HIV, such as multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases. In order to ensure the safe delivery of donations, we work with the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD) in Panama, and with international cooperation agencies such as UNAIDS and PAHO, pharmaceutical companies and the organized civil society.


  • We have provided nutritional support to 2,000 infants from 0 to 12 months old during their first year of life.
  • We have distributed 5,000 nutritional supplements to children aged 3-6 years old with moderate acute malnutrition.
  • We have delivered 500,000 antimalarial treatments in Venezuela.
  • We have sent medication for chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis and people with autoimmune conditions.
  • We sent COVID-19 tests to Latin America in 2020.

Our staff

Paulina Palacios
Country Director
[email protected]

Alexandra D’Agostini
Development Officer
[email protected]


Social network

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