AID FOR AIDS Dominican Republic is a local office of AID FOR AIDS International and has existed in the country since 1996.

When the organization first arrived on the island, the local office was situated in the Department of Humanities in the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), where it served as the administrative headquarters.

The office was officially registered as an NGO in 2002 with the Access to Treatment Program.

Since then, we have implemented a number of programs focused on contributing to the eradication of the pandemic and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable groups affected by the virus, through the development of skills and empowerment.

Programs in our AID FOR AIDS Dominican Republic


Access to treatment program

Facilitates ART to people with HIV or AIDS who otherwise would not have access to treatment, especially third generation medications not available in the country.

Thanks to this program, people with HIV or AIDS who are resistant to the treatment regimens provided by the Ministry of Health and Social Security are able to access other types of antiretroviral treatments that will save their lives.

Currently, our program provides treatment to 41 beneficiaries monthly, saving the government more than $800,000 in medicine annually.


Comprehensive attention program for children and adolescents with HIV or AIDS

This program was first implemented in the Dr. Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital since 2010.

Its main objective is to offer orientation and emotional, social, psychopedagogical support to boys, girls, and adolescents with HIV or AIDS and their family members.

The program provides 1) tools of empowerment for children and adolescents about their life and health from an early age, 2) the strengthening of adherence to medical treatment, and 3) the reinforcement of their academic activities as well.

Accomplishments (2002-2017)

  • 854 people provided with comprehensive attention.
  • 47 Dominicans received ART, diagnostic tests, viral load and CD4 tests in 2012 alone.
  • 119 teachers trained to be facilitators and 1,320 young people trained as multiplying agents to reach approximately 29 thousand individuals through more than 58 schools.
  • 40 leaders of the LGBT community trained and equipped with the necessary tools to prevent HIV and to multiply important information within their communities.
  • 400 children reached in 2012 through the alliance with CONAVIHSIDA, as sub-recipients of the Global Fund.

Contact information

Administrative office
Address: Av. Las Américas No 60, Plaza de León, casi Esq. Venezuela, Ensanche Ozama, Santo Domingo Este.
Phone number: +1 (809) 682-9371
Email: [email protected]


Our staff

Claudia Messina
President of Board

María De Jesús Valenzuela
Country Director
[email protected]

Gladis García
Coordinator of Program for Children & Adolescents with HIV
[email protected]

Suttys Rodriguez
Access to Treatment Program


Social network


Our allies

  • Servicio Nacional de Salud
  • IDEV, Instituto Dominicano de Estudios Virológicos
  • Fundación Pediátrica Por Un Mañana
  • Hospital Municipal Veron Punta Cana
  • Hospital Taiwán de Azua
  • Instituto Dermatológico y Cirugía de Piel Dr. Huberto Bogaert Díaz

To make a donation in Dominican Republic

Account number: 358101
Account type: comprobación
Bank: Banco León
Make payments to: Fundación AID FOR AIDS