The “Conectando Caminos por los Derechos” program reaches its final phase in 6 cities in Colombia

The “Conectando Caminos por los Derechos” program reaches its final phase in 6 cities in Colombia On May 11, 2023, three technical bulletins were presented about the rights of migrants and refugees who practice survival sex in Colombia. These three bulletins were prepared from three perspectives: 1) cisgender women, 2) homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual men…

AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE Panama held activities with children and donated school supplies before the start of school new year

AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE Panama held activities with children and donated school supplies before the start of school new year Given that the school year was approaching in Panama, AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE organized activities with children who are part of their programs, offering training to reinforce knowledge in…

“Ruta al Asilo”: legal clinic for newly arrived asylum seekers in New York City

“Ruta al Asilo”: legal clinic for newly arrived asylum seekers in New York City On February 25th, the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, and the Commissioner of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, Manuel Castro, joined us at our third legal clinic in Queens. Their presence encouraged the asylum seekers to pursue…

AFA Colombia performing HIV testing

AID FOR AIDS partners with ICAP at Columbia University and the CDC to provide HIV care to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia and Peru

AID FOR AIDS partners with ICAP at Columbia University and the CDC to provide HIV care to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia and Peru Venezuela’s political and economic crisis has led to the largest recorded number of displaced people in Latin America, with over six million Venezuelans estimated to have fled their country as of 2022.…


[ultimate_heading margin_design_tab_text=””]In addition to poverty, the lack of opportunities and the sheer will to survive that leads them to flee  Venezuela in pursue of a better life; Venezuelan refugees face a harsh reality in their host countries: many are led to perform sexual activities as their only mean for survival, exposing them to the possibility…

‘Building a fairer, healthier world’: AID FOR AIDS’ work with Venezuelan refugees in Latin America

[ultimate_heading margin_design_tab_text=””]Every year on April 7th, the global community gathers to celebrate World Health Day. This celebration is an occasion to draw attention to pressing issues surrounding global health, and this year’s theme is “building a fairer, healthier world for everyone”.   As the COVID-19 pandemic continues impacting our world and socio-economic inequalities are exacerbated,…