I am proud to share our June ‘19 newsletter in order to bring you up to date on some of the most important work we are doing, and to invite you to get involved in our campaigns, events, and programs if you have not done so already.  We look forward to communicating with you on a regular basis to ensure you are aware of latest developments, accomplishments, and opportunities to partner with us.


As you may know, AID FOR AIDS started in 1996 with an innovative and life-saving HIV Medicine Recycling Program that collected unused unexpired HIV medicine in the US and redistributed it to people in developing countries who had not access to treatment.  As you will read about in this newsletter, we are proud to have significantly expanded our work into other related areas that share the same spirit of innovation and commitment to saving lives one by one.


As always, our hearts are with Venezuela. This year, through our HealingVenezuela campaign, we opened a sister organization, AID FOR LIFE International to expand our support for vulnerable populations and provide infant formula to Venezuelan babies currently facing staggering levels of infant malnutrition and infant mortality (as covered in AmericasQuarterly and the WashingtonPost).

In 2018, we developed our innovative set-up of a crisis relief initiative that led us to become the largest source of antiretrovirals to people with HIV as well as other life-saving medicines for conditions including malaria.


In addition, we are continuing to provide supportive services to children and adolescents with HIV in the Dominican Republic and to provide HIV prevention and treatment adherence programs to vulnerable communities in Colombia. Please visit our newly redesigned website to learn more about our programs in New York City and across Latin America and the Caribbean.


Finally, we’re excited to share that we will be hosting our 18rd annual My Hero Gala at New York City’s Museum of Natural History on November 25th 2019. We invite you or your workplace to purchase tickets to the gala where we will be honoring champions of the HIV/AIDS movement and raising funds to continue doing our vital work in 2020.


Thank you all, as always,

Jesús Aguais