[ultimate_heading alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””]How Much Do You Know? was created in 2004.

It is centered in primary prevention for adolescents and young adults in the developing countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, who are empowered to become leader agents of change in their communities.

The program is based on the peer-to-peer education methodology. Young people receive a training to then transmit what they have learned to their peers. Given its achieved success, young people, health professionals, companies, organizations, people with HIV, their families and the public in general receive clear, correct and update information about comprehensive preventive health and HIV, incorporating strategies on life skills tested by the World Health Organization (WHO) promoting the eradication of stigma and discrimination towards people with HIV. This program also incorporates Neurolinguistic Programming strategies that update false beliefs and the use of an inclusive language.

By including these skills and knowledge into their daily lives, empowered people can take over their health, achieving a better quality of life and appreciating the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Since its inception, the program How Much Do You Know? has been implemented in eight countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

In 2011, How Much Do You Know? started with a version of the program specially designed for the LGBT population (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Panama and Venezuela. The facilitators train LGBT youth who have expressed their interest in becoming leaders agents in the prevention of comprehensive health and HIV. The work plan of the program focused on the LGBT population incorporates a deep discussion on sexual diversity, violence linked to gender and political impact.

In 2019, How Much Do You Know? expands its coverage of training and education, allying itself with the platform Certificakate.com specialists in tools and knowledge in the technological field, with whom you can expand your technological skills. We invite you to click on the button that takes you to explore this world of knowledge.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”30″]