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AID FOR AIDS International has had a presence in Mexico since 2004 through the Access to Treatment Program. Given the growing information, prevention and education needs and the need to reduce the impact of HIV in the country, AID FOR AIDS Mexico was officially registered in 2012.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_heading alignment=”left”]

Programs in our AID FOR AIDS Mexico office

Access to treatment program

Provides antiretroviral treatment to people with HIV or AIDS who do not have access to treatment, especially the latest-generation medications that are not available locally.

Thanks to this program, people with HIV who are resistant to treatment offered by the local Ministry of Health are provided access to other antiretroviral treatments that save their lives.


“How Much Do You Know?” program

Is the primary prevention program that has enabled AID FOR AIDS to inspire adolescents and young adults in Latin America and the Caribbean to become leaders and agents of change in their communities.

Through a methodology of peer-to-peer education, participants  receive training and then transmit what they have learned to their peers.

Centered on a vision of comprehensive preventive health, the curriculum includes:

  • An introduction to the basic concepts of HIV and AIDS, sexual and reproductive education and information on stigma and discrimination
  • The development of life skills identified by the World Health Organization (WHO), including:
    • self-knowledge
    • peer pressure management techniques
    • decision-making techniques
    • stress management
    • oratory techniques based on mental maps
  • The creation of a comprehensive life health plan that includes healthcare


“Ámate Indígena” program

Addresses the HIV epidemic in indigenous communities through education for HIV prevention, HIV testing and access to medical services.

Through this program, AID FOR AIDS Mexico trained indigenous women in three states who  provided HIV primary prevention education to approximately 3,000 individuals in their communities.

AID FOR AIDS Mexico also trained indigenous healthcare providers in Mexico City to be  trainers and facilitators of HIV prevention, providing information related to HIV prevention in  local languages.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_heading alignment=”left”]

Accomplishments (2008-2015)


  • AID FOR AIDS participated in the XVII International HIV Conference in Mexico.


  • AID FOR AIDS and Fundación Angélica Fuentes host Gala dinner at the Museo Tamayo.


  • Comprehensive health is promoted as a lifestyle in printed materials and social networks.
  • An alliance is signed with SEDEREC and the “Ámate Indígena” project is launched. Its goal is to reduce the impact of HIV in the indigenous communities in Mexico City by focusing on prevention education, a call for action to be tested, access to treatment and strengthening of the health system serving this population.
  • An alliance is made with the Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas (CDI)/ONU to benefit indigenous communities in Mexico. The project focused on comprehensive prevention, empowerment and leadership of indigenous communities.
  • AID FOR AIDS International and the Board of Directors of AFAarte launched the International Graphic Festival
  • AID FOR AIDS develops an ambitious prevention campaign and call to be tested for HIV called “Illuminating Art with Red” in conjunction with World AIDS Day (December 1st). 
  • AID FOR AIDS together with Condomóvil and AIDS Healthcare Foundation distribute 10,000 free HIV tests and more than 15,000 free condoms.


  • AID FOR AIDS develops the project, “Tables for Health”, partnering with local restaurants to promote programs in support of an HIV-free generation and for a healthier Mexico.
  • AID FOR AIDS participates in the Tepeji Health Fair Live in commemoration of World AIDS Day:
      • The project is based on a campaign focused on the general population of the municipality of Tepeji del Río Ocampo that addresses its efforts on preventative HIV education, awareness and a call for HIV tests to detect new diagnosis.
      • This campaign included distributing condoms, printed materials on prevention and the proper use of condoms, conferences and workshops to raise awareness about stigma and discrimination, as well as counseling to perform rapid screening tests, the tests themselves and counseling in cases of new diagnosis.
  • Ximena Navarrete, Miss Universe 2010, is named ambassador of the “Ámate Indígena” program. 
  • AID FOR AIDS holds the first “My Hero Gala” at the Jumid Museum in Mexico City, awarding Miguel Ortiz Monasterio for his great career as a promoter of sexual health and his work in the field of HIV in Mexico.
  • The “Píntate de información, esculpe tu vida” campaign is launched: an HIV campaign against stigma and discrimination leveraging the voices of artists as cultural figures in society.
  • An alliance is formed with Playboy condoms. The partnership aims to promote prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s), including HIV, unwanted pregnancies, and access and correct use of condoms.
  • Specialists from New York trained visual artists about HIV prevention and the correct use of language.
  • The “Free eXpression” project is launched to fundraise for programs using artwork donated by well known Mexican artists.
  • A campaign promoting sexual health and the proper use of a condoms is launched by making a call to be tested for HIV, distributing HIV tests, and spreading prevention information and HIV supplies using the framework of the play “Amor de Hermanos”.

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Contact information

Administrative office

Address: Santa Veracruz No. 57 No. Int 201 C.P. 06300 Guerrero Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México


Our staff

Joel Renteria
Legal Representative

Jorge Lopez
Development Officer
[email protected]

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Our allies

  • SEDEREC,  Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural y Equidad para las Comunidades
  • CDI, Comisión Nacional Para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas
  • AHF, AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  • Playboy Condoms
  • Condomóvil A.C.
  • Filmit
  • Rubik
  • Alba de la Selva Design Lab
  • Rock and Ruedas
  • Cuervo

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