AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE Panama held activities with children and donated school supplies before the start of school new year

AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE Panama held activities with children and donated school supplies before the start of school new year Given that the school year was approaching in Panama, AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE organized activities with children who are part of their programs, offering training to reinforce knowledge in…

AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE met with the Mayor of the City of New York and the Governor of New York State to discuss the challenges the state is facing due to the immigration crisis

AID FOR AIDS and AID FOR LIFE met with the Mayor of the City of New York and the Governor of New York State to discuss the challenges the state is facing due to the immigration crisis On March 10th, the president of AID FOR AIDS (AFA) and AID FOR LIFE (AFL), Jesús Aguais, attended…