The power of the waterfall effect in responding to complex humanitarian problems: Venezuelan migrants in Cucuta

Since its inception in 1996, AID FOR AIDS (AFA) has been characterized by having an innovative and inclusive vision, developing scalable solutions to complex social problems. What began 25 years ago as a medicine redistribution program, now has turned into two international organizations with 8 offices combined around the world and more than 7 programs…

‘Building a fairer, healthier world’: AID FOR AIDS’ work with Venezuelan refugees in Latin America

Every year on April 7th, the global community gathers to celebrate World Health Day. This celebration is an occasion to draw attention to pressing issues surrounding global health, and this year’s theme is “building a fairer, healthier world for everyone”.   As the COVID-19 pandemic continues impacting our world and socio-economic inequalities are exacerbated, marginalized…